Signs that tell your child needs more of Sensory Play
"It’s a proven fact that sensory play helps desensitise children who are known as “sensory avoiders” to various aversions they may have to textures, smells, sounds. It gets them to explore in a safe, less overwhelming space.
While some children known as “sensory seekers” often demand a lot of touch. They love to smell, taste, touch a lot of what’s around them. Such needs are best met in a control setting where sensory play setups help calm children and facilitate mastery of various life skills.
Sensory play is also for those children who refuse to play independently. These play sets up are inviting, engaging and fun for children/toddlers and it keeps them occupied for longer durations.
Sensory play can be started with children who need to master fine motor skills, eye hand coordination skills, self-feeding skills and more. It is known to tick all boxes when it comes to play that support developmental milestones!
To know more about sensory bins, contact us!"