Ways to keep your playdough fresh and last you longer
"Commercial Playdough often smells, feels soft at first and gradually gets harder. At one point it’s hard to retain or reverse the softness!
Termed as “Non-toxic” but they come with a host of stabilisers and colours that aren’t safe for the little hands or accidental mouthing situations!
Playdough at “The Children’s Lab”
- 100% reversible playdough
- 100% Taste-safe
- Only made with certified food grade ingredients
- Smells divine for months!
Keep this taste-safe, all-natural playdough fresh and long lasting by following these simple steps.
- Always store the playdough in a dry and cool place, in the airtight containers provided.
- Play with the dough often.
- If the playdough seems sticky due to humidity, add some plain flour and knead it well.
- If the playdough seems dry and feels cracky, moist hands with oil and water mix and knead the dough well.
- Always use clean and dry hands and avoid playing with it in dusty places.
Don’t forget, the more you love it, it loves you back and will last you the longest. "